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  2. About our website

About our website

Information contained on this website

  • This website is managed by the General Affairs Division of AskAt Inc (AskAt).
  • AskAt is unable to take responsibility for information contained on websites to which it is linked.

AskAt takes great care to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on our web-site, but mistakes caused by technical issues beyond our control or other problems may occur. Please note that the information on our website is accurate at the time of publica-tion but not necessarily at the time of viewing.

Recommended environment

In order to optimally utilize the services provided by this website with ease, we recom-mend the environment described below.

About JavaScript

We use JavaScript for this website for user viewing convenience.
Please note that if the security setting in your browser is high, your operating environment may be unable to use JavaScript. If JavaScript has been disabled, pages may not properly display or load.
Please enable JavaScript on your browser in order to view all of the contents on this web-site.
Customers who choose to lower the security setting do so at their own risk. AskAt is not responsible for any damages incurred when such changes are made.

Recommended browser

We recommend the following browsers for an optimal and secure user experience on this website.

  • Internet Explorer 9.0 or newer
  • Firefox newest version
  • Chrome newest version
  • Safari newest version
  • Firefox newest version
  • Chrome newest version
  • iOS 7.0 or newer
  • Android 4.0 or newer


All information on this website is the property of AskAt.
Any unauthorized reproduction of the information, photographs, or other materials on this website is an infringement of AskAt’s copyright and intellectual property rights.

Linked Websites

If you wish to link to our website, please be sure to explain that it is a link to AskAt.
We request that you contact AskAt if you choose to link to our site content, either when that content is displayed together with other content or when it is displayed alone.
Please refrain from creating a link to our website in a manner that could negatively impact user’s understanding of AskAt or our products. The contents of linked websites are not administered by us, and we cannot take responsibility for any damage incurred through their use.


Our website uses Secure Socket Layer to protect the confidentiality of names, addresses, and other personal information via encryption.
If you use an unsupported browser or if you are connected to a firewall, AskAt website pages may not be displayed. Please note that in such instances you will not be able to use our website.

Contact us

Questions regarding contacts of this website, including links contained within it, should be directed to AskAt by using the form on the “Contact Us” page.

Contact us

