Elanco Japan, a division of Elanco Animal Health (Headquarters: Indiana,USA), announced that it received marketing authorization on April 3, 2020 for Galliprant (Galliprant®/ grapiprant / AAT-007 / RQ-00000007)for the treatmentof canine osteoarthritis from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.
Galliprant was launched in the U.S. and EU on January 2017 and April 2019, respectively, and has become a major therapeutic in the treatment of this condition. Galliprant was named Best Companion Animal Product in the U.S. in 2017.
Grapiprant, AskAt Inc.’s non-steroidal, non-cyclooxygenase inhibiting antiinflammatory drug, is the active ingredient of Galliprant. Elanco Animal Health has exclusive global rights to develop, manufacture, and commercialize grapiprant in animal health. AskAt Inc. will receive royalty payments for Galliprant sales by Elanco Japan through a licensing agreement with RaQualia Pharma Inc.